Mar 1, 2009

Somecard Sundays (and I am now eternally grateful)

First, I want to thank the fab LiLu for fixing my comment area. It works now! Thanks chica! No, like really -- THANK YOU SO MUCH. I owe you big time. It's a pop-up, or opens in one page - but now you can comment and I won't get all angry and hulky about how blogspot is angering me! :)

Also, thanks to LiLu I now want to participate in Somecard Sundays. Mostly, because I love somecards and always send them to my friends. Shes going to post a card every Sunday that explains how she is feeling at that moment.

And so, I begin:

And this is quite true. A friend of mine and I were discussing what we were giving up for lent, if indeed we decided that this year we wanted to give up something for lent. And conversation goes:

Friend: I mean, I get the meaning behind it.. yet I find it SO pointless.
Me: Will-power, I'm assuming. I tried to give up cursing, but then Cassie had an accident in the house and there went that.
Friend: Whats it matter anyway? At the end of it all, if I do end up giving up chipotle - I'm going to run to chipotle and eat 3 burritos in one sitting and die. I'd rather just eat it all the time and save myself.



rachaelgking said...

No problem at all, love! You're too sweet. And I LOVE that someecard! They always kill me!

Rachel Manwill said...

Love Someecards! And there's two e's in there like some e-cards :).