Mar 13, 2009

I made it out alive.

I hate midterms, they take over my life. But I'm glad they're finally over and I can now relax for a week for nothingsness, possibly booze consumption. Whatever.

But of course, my week can't end just so plain jane. As a good citizen, I think I am getting my one ticket to heaven. How? This is how.

On Wednesday, I missed my midterm. WHAT THE? Well, on my way to class - I saw this freakin' idiot boy cornering a girl. She was crying. He was yelling. None of my business, I just want to get buy. Then he does something that jumpstarts the inner bitch in me. He kicks her. FULL OUT KICKS HER IN THE BABY MAKER. Folks, I kid you not - I did I 180. "Dude, WHAT THE FACK?". And off he goes, and down crumples this girl. I swear I thought I was being pranked. Does this shit just go down in hallways in colleges everywhere? Seriously?

Well, I wasn't just going to leave her there. And well.. she wasn't going to let me go either. This girl had the deathgrip on me and was sobbing. 2 hours, 3 cops and an ambulence ride later. Here I am sitting in the hospital room with a girl I met because she got kicked in the babymaker. What the fack. That's all I was thinking. How did I get myself in this? What in the world. But if it were me, I wouldn't want someone to just leave me there for like dead or something..

The girl was nice, I guess. She's okay - which is priority number 1. And I got excused from my exam for being a damn good person.

Weird shit happens, but don't worry.. mostly to me.