Feb 2, 2009

Hello World, It's me - JJ.

I've gone and done it one more time. Are you tired of following me around yet? I didn't think so. It's a new beginning (How many times have you heard people say that?). Didn't you hear? February is the New January. In with the new. Out with the old. Or was it the other way around?

I've resurfaced for your bitching needs, as I will, as I have always done so - bitch about everything, sometimes nothing. I can't seem to grasp a concept yet, but I know that my adrenaline to write something daily as possessed me to re-emerge into the blogsphere and I'm way more excited than I should be. Swanky layout, eh? Until further notice. You know how I do.

Anyway, there isn't much you can do with a first post except tell you, 2 loyal readers that have followed me - to keep your eyes peeled. You know how I love the Spring/Summer. :)