Apr 14, 2009

My Letter To The Month Of April

Dear April,

I am confused and overwhelmed with how you have surprisingly pulled the rug from right under me. I thought that was we had was real, but alas, I was proved wrong. You lured me in with the promises of many nights in which bad decisions were to be made, and drinking til feelings were no longer to be felt would ensue. Promises of the end of continuous hair-pulling due to school work and a shower of birthdays.

You have let me down in more ways than I should see in a lifetime.

You have confused me continuously with your bipolar antics in terms of weather, and then you just plain lied to me. 7 papers, 3 tests and countless quizzes? REALLY, APRIL? I thought we had a deal! I thought you would keep that in the months of March and May? April! We were suppose to double team this and party until our livers recoiled in disgust? Why did you back down? Why are you stressing me out and causing me anxiety? And why are you keeping me so busy that I can barely even use the computer?

I'm not sure we can be friends anymore, and no - not even with benefits. My excitement to get pants-shittingly drunk with you has no dwindled into a faded memory. "I'm Sorry" does not cut it this time, you have let me down.

And now, thanks to you, I must go and slave over two papers that were due on Monday.

Thank you for trying, but I must turn away from you. Please don't call me or e-mail me, there are no more words which can be shared between us. You have killed the flame, and it seems without remorse.

It's been real, April. But not real enough.



Jen said...

awesome lol.

f.B said...

April has so been asking for it.

OmegaRadium said...

Yea, April hasn't been very nice to me either. Its been term paper after paper, followed up with exam after exam...I'm beginning to think April's Auntie Flow came to visit. :P