Feb 11, 2009

Love was made to work against me.

Here is something you didn't know about me -- up until recently, I've always been in a relationship. Always. Since I was allowed to date, of course. Which was at 16. From the 16 - 20 years old I have been in 2 painfully long relationships. And now at the eve of my 21st birthday (barely), I am single. Not even a person of interest. I am alone, and it sucks. But maybe it sucks because I've never been alone. And it sucks even more now that I am grasping the fact that Valentines Day is this Saturday. And I would like to sleep through the day, but I can't - because I work. WONDERFUL.

I don't remember the last time that I was alone on Valentines day and this is just my luck that this year, the year that ALL of my friends have a significant other, I will be spending it with my co-workers and then later that night with Ben and Jerrys and my dog. I'm so excited I could shit rainbows. And all of that other stuff that happens.

Good lord, even writing about it makes me sad. SWEET.